Thursday, May 15, 2008

Review - God: The Failed Hypothesis: How Science Shows That God Does Not Exist

Review - God: The Failed Hypothesis
How Science Shows That God Does Not Exist
by Victor J Stenger
Prometheus, 2007
Review by Bob Lane, MA

Comment on this review

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Appreciate the review. No problem with it. A problem, though, with the sub-title of the book reviewed: "How science shows that God does not exist." Science was set up to precisely and assiduously avoid God, to leave God out of its equations, to explain the world naturalistically, to allow no room for the supernatural. Using this method to proclaim there is no God is circular, faulty reasoning. Of course a method designed to leave something out will not discover what it left out. God, it seems, is only discovered in the first-person, by individuals, not by a third-person method. By personal experience, drawing on the Perennial Philosphy, as described well by Aldous Huxley. Or by the individual life, reflectively lived, as described well by Wendell Berry in "Life is a Miracle: An essay against modern superstition."