Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Review - Pornography: Film And Culture

Review - Pornography
Film And Culture
by Peter Lehman (Editor)
Rutgers University Press , 2006
Review by Terry Burridge
Mar 18th 2008

Comment on this review

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"the porn makers and stars are clear that they are the exploiters -- not the exploited."

There may be a psychological term for this, not sure, but of course people who have made bad decisions will try to justify or compensate, in order to make themselves feel better. Victims of chronic domestic violence will frequently say "it's not so bad" while in the denial stages.

That denial is so automatic, it means nothing. If you want to know if somebody is being exploited, just ask "if this person could do any other job with the same amount of effort and still make the same amount of money, would they still do porn?"

Remember, they can't really say they're doing it for the sex because they could easily get all the sex they want for free on CraigsList or similar. So logically, they have to say they're doing it for the money.

"Complicit in their own exploitation" is more accurate. Natually, you would expect to find much self-destructive behavior among porn prostitutes.